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A closer look at the Dynamic Roleplaying System: Character Archetypes

Today we are going to talk about the way the Dynamic Roleplaying System handles classes. When we first started putting the system together we decided early on that we were going to move away from the typical career or class-based systems that were currently in circulation, with the emphasis being on letting players play the characters they want to play.

To do this we decided to use an archetype system where at character creation the player could pick any of the archetypes and put their own personal twist on the character.

Each archetype provides the player with a selection of skills to help them define their character and the option to handpick some additional bonuses to enhance the focus areas of their character, such as improving their ability to open locks or ride a horse. Finally, the archetype also presents the player with a selection of starting equipment that they can customise, or the player can take an amount of coins to equip their character.

Even though we designed in excess of 40 archetypes we are currently looking to roll out the system with 20 archetypes which will include a mixture of different archetypes that will appeal to a variety of different player styles. If you have any questions regarding this then please let us know and we'll be happy to answer any questions.

The Dynamic Roleplaying System and the Chronicles of Ollundra are under copyright © Composite Gmaes Limited 2014

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